Nothing so beautiful as free time

2013-04-26 13.55.09-1I have a confession to make. I think I’m addicted to blogging. I currently have 1 weekly and 2 daily blogs on the go (it was 3 daily blogs, but I already let one slip). And they all involve taking photographs each day. As a photographer, I have this deep need to photograph everything. And apparently to then blog about it. I guess that’s the writer in me.

I hate starting projects and then abandoning them. I hate setting myself a challenge and having to give up. But I have come to the realization that there are just not enough hours in my day. Example. I belong to a writing group. Writing is another of my passions. I took some time off after I had my baby last year, and returned to the group last week. However, I have yet to find any time to do any actual writing. Instead I feel like I’m spending my free time editing photos, composing blog posts, and choosing just the right tags. Not to mention I feel like some days I am completely preoccupied with finding something to blog about.

Example 2:
2013-04-29 10.15.54-2

Laundry waited to be folded. Since Friday. And did you spot what I did? I didn’t just take a picture and upload it. I made sure it was a good composition before I took the picture, and then spent time editing it and adding filters before I uploaded it. Point. Made.

I have to make a decision.

I need to cut back. So for now this blog will no longer be updated daily. Probably not even weekly. Instead I will simply try to post the occasional photo, whenever something strikes me as too beautiful not to share, and I have the time to blog about it. I’m doing the same with my other daily blog. I am going to continue my original photo-a-day project, for now. You can follow that on Facebook or my blog.

I hope, one day when I have more time (when the kids are all in school maybe?), to once again make this a regular thing.